Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-55-4920-215-150005Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-55-4920-215-150006Tabulated Data - TM-55-4920-215-150007Figure 2. Identification pates, shop set, C-6.Tabulated Data - continued - TM-55-4920-215-150009Chapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (OPERATOR) - TM-55-4920-215-150010Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-215-150011Shutdown of Shop Set - TM-55-4920-215-150012Section IV. OPERATION OF ONE UNIT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANOTHER ACCESSORY OR AUXILIARY - TM-55-4920-215-150013Extreme Cold Weather OperationOperation in Salt Water AreasChapter 3. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (OPERATOR) - TM-55-4920-215-150016Specific Procedures for Operator - TM-55-4920-215-150017Table I. Operator Daily Service - TM-55-4920-215-150018Table II. Preventive Maintenance Services]Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-215-150020Pneumatic Equipment Stops During Operation - TM-55-4920-215-150021Figure 8. Wiring diagram, shop C-6.Section VI. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-215-150023Figure 9. Pneumatic systems installation, top view.Figure 10. Air line layout, side view.Figure 12. Air line layout, front view.Figure 13. Separator mounting bracket.Section VII. UTILITY SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-215-150028Figure 16. Floor plan, layout, top view.Figure 17. Floor plan, layout, right side view.Bench TopsChapter 4. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE (OPERATOR) - TM-55-4920-215-150032Section III. DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE - TM-55-4920-215-150033Destruction by Gunfire - TM-55-4920-215-150034Chapter 5. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (SECOND ECHELON) - TM-55-4920-215-150035Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-215-150036Figure 22. Opening folding shop sides, step II.Operating Details - TM-55-4920-215-150038Section V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-215-150039Chapter 6. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (SECOND ECHELON) - TM-55-4920-215-150040Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-215-150041Section V. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION - TM-55-4920-215-150042Section VII. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-215-150043Chapter 7. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE (SECOND ECHELON) - TM-55-4920-215-150044Section III. LIMITED STORAGE - TM-55-4920-215-150045Chapter 8. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE) - TM-55-4920-215-150046Tool and Equipment Drawer Location Semitrailer Mounted, C-6, Machine ShopTool and Equipment Drawer Location Semitrailer Mounted, C-6, Machine Shop - continued - TM-55-4920-215-150048Tool and Equipment Drawer Location Semitrailer Mounted, C-6, Machine Shop - continued - TM-55-4920-215-150049Figure 26. Details pothead assembly mounting bracket.Figure 27. Strap, continuous type.Figure 28. Strap, bolted type.Figure 30. Strap, sewn type.Figure 32. Strap loop.Figure 33. Generator Mounting, plan view.Figure 34. Generator mounting, details.Figure 36. Control box guide angles.Figure 38. Chest mounting angle, rear.Figure 41. Chest mounting, lock bolt.Figures 42. Bench mounting channelFigure 43. Surface plate holder.Figure 45. Typical shaper mounting.Figure 47 Typical Bench Mounting, Utility Grinding Machine.Figure 48. Typical arbor press mounting method.Figure 51. Arbor press lockpin.Figure 52. Bench top mounting, typical installation.Section II. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS - TM-55-4920-215-150067Chapter 9. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE) - TM-55-4920-215-150068Figure 55. Typical cabinet side, type I.Figure 56. Typical cabinet top, type I.Figure 57. Typical cabinet bottom, type I.Figure 58. Typical cabinet bottom corner gusset, type I.Figure 59. Typical locking bar storage bracket, type I.Figure 60. Typical cabinet center support, type I.Figure 61. Typical cabinet top gusset, type I.Figure 62. Typical cabinet side, type III.Figure 63. Front view, cabinet, type III.Figure 64. Rear view, cabinet, type III.Figure 65. Top view, cabinet, type III.Figure 66. Typical cabinet bottom, type III.Figure 67. Type III shelf, front view.Figure 68. Type III shelf, top and side view.Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-215-150083Section V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-215-150084Appendix I. REFERENCES - TM-55-4920-215-150085Appendix I. REFERENCES - continued - TM-55-4920-215-150086Appendix II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-55-4920-215-150087Maintenance Allocation Chart - TM-55-4920-215-150088TM-55-4920-215-15 Shop Set Aircraft Maintenance Semtrailer Mounted Set C6 Machine Shop Manual