TM 55-4920-215-15
TM 5-2330-238-
Operation and organizational maintenance for Semitrailer, Van; Shop,
6-ton, 4-wheel, Folding sides, M447.
3. Technical Bulletin
Preventive Maintenance Services: Generator Set, electric, portable, gaso-
line driven, skid mounted 10 kw, 120-208 volt, 60 cycles, 4 wire, Reiner
Model GGC-10-AC (less engine).
4. Lubrication Orders
LO 5-5260
Generator Set, electric, portable, gasoline driven, skid mounted, 10 kw,
60 cycles, 120-208 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire; 120 volt 1 phase, 2 wire; 120
volt, 3 phase, 3 wire; Hollingsworth Model CE-100-AC/WK-4.
LO 5-6115-204-
Generator set, gasoline driven: 10 kw, ac, 120 v, 1 and 3 phase, 120/240
v, single phase, 120,'208 v, 3 phase, 60 cycle, skid mounted (Reiner
models GGC-10-AC-2 and GGC-10-AC-3) w/Continental engine model
5. Army Regulations and Special Regulations
AR 700-38
Unsatisfactory equipment report.
AR 700-58
Report of damaged or improper shipment.
AR 750-6
Maintenance planning, allocation and coordination.
AR 385-Series
Army Safety Policy.
6. Supply Manuals
SM 55-4-4920-
Shop Set, Aircraft Maintenance, Semitrailer Mounted, C-6, Machine
7. Indexes and Forms
DA Pam 310-1
Index or Administrative Publications.
DA Pam 310-2
Index of Blank Forms.
DA Pam 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Bulletins, Lubri-
cation Orders and Modification Work Orders.
DA Pam 310-22
Index of Supply Manuals Transportation Corps.
DA Form 460
Preventive Maintenance Roster.
DA Form 468
Unsatisfactory Equipment Report.
DD Form 6
Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment.
DD Form 314
Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record.