TM 55-4920-217-15
reported as prescribed in AR 700-38, using DA Form
c. Field Report of Accidents.
468 (Unsatisfactory Equipment Report) or DD Form 6,
necessary to comply with the requirements of the Army
(Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment) as
Safety Program are prescribed in detail in the AR 385
prescribed in AR 700-58.
Such suggestions are
series. These reports are required whenever accidents
encouraged in order that other organizations may
involving injury to personnel or damage to material
benefit. Do not report all failures that occur. Report
only repeated failures or unsatisfactory design or
d. Report of Unsatisfactory
material. However, reports will always be made when
Equipment or Materials.
Any suggestions for
exceptionally costly equipment is involved. Refer also
improvement in design and maintenance of equipment
to AR 700-38, and the printed instructions on DA Form
and repair parts, safety and efficiency of operation, or
pertaining to the application of prescribed lubricants
and/or preserving materials, or technical inaccuracies
noted in Department of the Army publications, will be
4. Description
a. General.
Shop Set, Aircraft Maintenance,
Semitrailer Mounted, C-8, Instrument Shop consists of a
storage tank to the oil and water separator and
semitrailer mounted van and necessary tools and
regulators, and from the regulators to the ceiling
equipment for an Army aviation field maintenance shop,
outlets. The pneumatic system controls and
operating in the field, performing the functions of an
instrument facility. The shop set contains 3 systems;
This unit contains an oil and water separator for
electrical, pneumatic, and utility.
collecting and draining off accumulated oil and
water, a source pressure gage, 2 regulators, for
(1) Electrical system. Electrical power is supplied
maintaining a steady operating pressure 2
by an auxiliary source. An external power
operating pressure gages, check units, and
receptacle, designed to accommodate a plug
valves to control or disconnect the air pressure.
attached to the auxiliary power cord, is mounted
at the right rear corner of the van. The external
provided for receiving air into the air storage
power receptacle feeds directly to the electric
tank when the compressor is not in operation
and may also be used as a connection for
distribute the power source to the point of use.
supplying air pressure to other shops when the
The electric control panel is mounted in the right
compressor is operating.
rear interior corner of the shop. The control
panel contains 14 thermal-magnetic circuit
(3) Utility system. The utility system consists of
breaker which serve as distribution centers for
each, 1 3/4 x 30 x 21 inch, maple bench top;
the current supplied to the equipment of the
each, 1 3/4 x 30 x 42 inch, maple bench top;
A receptacle is provided to furnish
each, 1 3/4 x 30 x 63 inch maple bench top;
current for small electrically operated tools.
each, 1 3/4 x 30 x 84 inch, maple bench top;
each, 33 x
(2) Pneumatic system, semitrailer mounted shop
electrically driven with a 5 cfm capacity at 175)