TM 55-4920-217-15
Section I. GENERAL
1. Scope
responsibilities of depots. The prescribed
This manual is published for the use of operating
maintenance responsibilities will apply as
and maintenance personnel to whom the end item or
reflected in the allocation of maintenance
equipment is assigned. It contains information on the
parts in the applicable manual for the item
operation, lubrication, detailed preventive maintenance
of equipment. Provisioning of parts listed
services, and maintenance of the equipment, its
accessories and auxiliaries; also packing, preservation,
item will be made to field maintenance
storing, and shipping procedures.
only when the emergency nature of the
maintenance to be performed has been
2. References
certified by a responsible officer of the
a. Current Technical References. Appendix I
requisitioning organization.
the technical publications applicable to the equipment
as noted in detailed instructions, contained herein.
3. Forms, Records, and Reports
b. Maintenance Allocation.
a. General. Responsibility for the proper execution
(1) Organizational maintenance allocation. In
of forms, records, and reports rests upon the
general, the prescribed organizational
commanding officers of all units maintaining this
maintenance responsibilities will apply in
equipment. However, the value of accurate records
must be fully appreciated by all persons responsible for
reports, and authorized forms are normally utilized to
the purpose of cleaning, lubricating, or
indicate the type, quantity, and condition of material to
replacing spare parts. In all cases where
be inspected, repaired, or used in repair. Properly
the nature of the repair, modification, or
executed forms convey authorization and serve as
adjustment is beyond the scope or
records for repair or replacement of material in the
facilities of the using organization, the
hands of troops and for delivery of material requiring
applicable supporting maintenance unit
further repair to shops, depots, etc. The forms, records,
should be informed so that trained
and reports establish the work required, the progress of
personnel with suitable tools and
the work within the shops, and the status of the material
equipment may be provided or other
upon completion of its repair.
instructions issued.
b. Authorized Forms. For a complete listing of
(2) Field and depot maintenance allocation.
forms, refer to DA Pam 310-2.
The publication herein of instructions for
complete disassembly and repair is not to
be construed as authority for the
performance by field maintenance units of