TM 55-4920-402-13&P
a. First, using the information derived from the Balan-
cer/Phazor. a point is plotted on the chart at the intersec-
tion of the clock angle line and the IPS circle. The point is
labeled no. 1.
b. If the IPS reading is off scale (vibration level too
high) The PUSH FOR SCALE 2 button is pushed to take
the reading. Then when the point is plotted on the chart,
the IPS reading should be divided by 2, or 10, or some
number that will yield a result of less than 1.0; i.e., 1.8
IPS might be plotted at 0.9 etc. Then, the indicated
weight changes must be multiplied by the same factor pre
viously used (2 or 10, etc.)
c. From this point, lines are drawn to each of the two
axes of the chart to determine the weight change required
for balance, or pitch link change required for track.
Change only one axis fro the first move (select the one far-
thest from the zero axis line). Additional readings are then
taken, after corrective action, and replotted on the chart.
The replotted line should now move to the zero axis line
indicating no further changes is required to the axis to
which the change was made. Now the indicated weight
should be added to the other axis, which should move its
plotline to the center of the chart, thus achieving final
balance. This is illustrated in the following problem
d. Refer to figure 2-7. A reading of 5:00 oclock at 0.8
IPS is plotted on the chart as point 1. As can be seen, this
calls for a weight addition of about 14 grams at A and 15
grams at B. Since the B reading is farther from the zero
axis, we add 15 grams to B only and nothing to A. The
next plot point is shown as 2 and should be at 7:15
oclock, and about 0.35 IPS, The move line is now paral-
lel to the arrow, corresponding to the span weight change.
Now, addition of the 14 grams to A (chordwise) should
move the plot point to the center of the chart, point 3,
for perfect balance. In practice, a reading of 0.2 or better
is acceptable.
2-10. Correction of Charts. Because IPS and clock angle,
in response to a given out-of-balance condition, are a
function of the mechanical response of the airframe, and
since all airframes of a given helicopter type are not iden-
tical, there is some spread in measurements. Thus, it may
be necessary to correct the chart for the particular rotor
being worked. Normally, the chart correction used for
hover balance will apply to in-flight balance. This will
have to be determined on a case by case basis as Air-
frames exhibit different flight characteristics due to a
variety of factors.
a. Weights. Differences in airframe sensitivity can cause
the move line to be the wrong length. Correction of this
error is relatively simple since the length of the move line
is in direct proportion to the amount of the weight change,
e.g., if the move line is too long, too much weight was
added; if the move line is too short, too little weight was
c. Clock Corrector. To use the Balance Chart Clock
Angle Corrector, refer to the instructions contained on
the envelope, figure 2-8, and the Balance Chart Clock
Angle Corrector, figure 2-9. Detailed instructions are
covered in the following balancing problem.
d. Balancing Problem Using Clock Angle Corrector.
(1) Refer to figure .2-10. lf the chart and heli-
copter are not perfectly matched, the read-
ings might be as follows:
(2) Assume the same first reading of 5:00
oclock and 0.8 IPS. Add the same 15 grams
at B and nothing at A. This time our sec-
ond reading is 6:30 oclock and 0.7 IPS as
indicated by point 2 and the move line is not
parallel to the span arrow. If we track back
to the chord axis (A and C) it indicates that
a change was made there however, the
change was not actually made. Therefore,
there is a mismatch.
(3) Use Clock Angle Corrector No. 3597 and
place eyelet A on the first reading and align
index A-C) in the direction the move line
should have gone, and swing index A-B in
the direction that the move line did go. We
now see that we must subtract 1 hour from
the clock numbers.
(4) Then, when the two readings are plotted (1
and 2,) on the corrected chart, we see that
the move line is now in the correct direction.
(5) We can also see that too much weight was
added to B because plot point 2 is beyond
the zero line. This indicates we need to add
about 25 grams to A, rather than the 14 ori-
ginally shown, Thus, by subtracting about
4 from B, to which the 15 had been added,
and adding 25 to A, the balance should be
2-11. Use of Gram Scale. The Gram Scale is set up as
shown in figure 2-11. If small weights are to be weighed
(less than 5 grams), it is important that it be set up out of
the wind and very carefully balanced by the screw foot at
the left end. The balancing is done with the pan attached
and both the slide balance and the vernier balance at O.
Small weights are measured using both the slide balance
and vernier balance. Larger weights (5 grams or over) do
not require the use of the vernier balance as the total range
is a small percent of the weight being measured.
2-12. Use of VIBREX for Troubleshooting. The fol-
lowing procedures will assist maintenance personnel in
locating vibration problems in the aircraft that are caused
by faulty linkages, rod end bearings, dampers, transmission
mounts, etc.
b. Clock Angle. Clock angle error causes the chart to
call for the weights in the wrong place (or in an incorrect
ratio on a pair of points). A simple way to correct clock
angle is to use the Balance Chart Clock Angie Corrector.
Change 4