TM 55-4920-402-13&P
2-7. Strobex Modes of Operation. The mode of operation
depends on the rotor being balanced (main or tail), the
number of Interrupters, number of rotor blades, and speed
of rotors. The following paragraphs discuss the criteria
for mode selection.
a. Mode A. Mode A is used for main rotor track,
where the helicopter is fitted with one interrupter-per-
blade, and for tail rotor balance.
(1) In this mode, the Strobex is a slave only flash-
ing once in response to each external command. The elec-
trical commands come from the Magnetic Pickup secured
to the fixed swashplate, One interrupter-per-blade of mag-
netic material is attached to the rot sting swashplate, and
each passage of an Interrupter, in proximity to the Mag-
netic Pickup, generates an electrical pulse to trigger the
Strobex. When the Strobex is directed at the tip path,
both Tip Targets will be seen, superimposed, at two points
in azimuth. The targets will be seen front and back on a
two-blade helicopter.
(2) This mode is also used for tail rotor balancing
where the Balancer, in response to the Accelerometer
signal, provides the trigger pulse to the Strobex. The clock
angle observed, together with vibration amplitude from the
Balancer meter, defines a point on the Balance Chart for
the rotor, which in turn, indicates corrective action. When
in Mode A, the Strobex operates at its lower intensity.
b. Mode B. Mode B is used for main rotor track when
the helicopter is fitted with one interrupter-per-revolution,
or when a brighter light is required than provided by Mode
(1) In Mode B, the Strobex operates in a locking
oscillator mode. The rotating swashplate is fitted with only
one Interrupter, thus delivering a one-per-revolution pulse
(not one-per-blade) to the Strobex.
(2) The oscillator is set by the ten-turn dial to
flash once-per-blade. (The ten-turn dial is set to equal, or
less than, rotor RPM times number of blades times 0.4).
The one-per-revolution signal from the Magnetic Pickup
locks (or resets) the oscillator each revolution. The Tip
Targets will be seen superimposed, at as many azimuth
positions as there are blades. However, if the RPM dial
is set to a slightly lower rate, the blades will still be seen
at the same position, but will be spread uniformly for
each resolution. The locking pulse always keeps the tar-
get in the same azimuth position. This is typically used on
five, six, or seven blade helicopters where superimposed
targets are difficult to distinguish.
(3) If the brighter light is desired when working
the smaller helicopters, which are generally fitted with one
interrupter-per-blade, Mode B is used. Simply set the
flash rate to the blade rate, times 0.4, or slightly less, and
the remaining operation is identical to Mode A except
the light is about four times greater. The tip pattern can-
not be spread in Mode A because the Interrupters restart
the oscillator each time a blade passes, and the oscillator
never fires the Strobex. By setting the ten-turn dial to
double the blade rate (use a multiplier of 0.8 instead of
0.4), the tip pattern can be seen at twice as many points
in azimuth. When in Mode B, the Strobex operates at
its higher intensity.
c. Mode C. Mode C is used for speed RPM measure-
ment. activates the free-running oscillator. and discon-
nects any external signals. Flash rate is controlled only
by the ten-turn dial, which reads directly in RPM, to an
accuracy of about ±2%. Its maximum flash rate is 1000
per minute for measuring RPM in the range of 100 to
1000 RPM. In Mode C, the Strobex operates at its higher
d. Mode D. Mode D is used for tail rotor tracking and
speed (RPM) measurement.
(1) This is a free-running oscillator as in Mode C.
However, the dial reading is multiplied by ten generating a
flash rate to 10,000 flashes per minute.
(2) Since no Magnetic Pickup is attached to the
tail rotor, tracking is accomplished by the free-running
oscillator. For two and four blade tail rotors, the RPM is
set to four times rotor rate and fine adjusted to cause the
single Tip Target to appear as a stopped image of four. The
rotor disc is viewed edge-on and the reflective Tip Targets
are viewed for track. When in Mode D, the Strobex oper-
ates at its lower intensity.
e. Mode E. Mode E is used for tracking propellers.
Mode E activates a locking oscillator exactly as Mode B,
except it operates over the higher flash rate range to
10,000 flashes per minute. It is used primarily t o track
airplane propellers where the flash rate is set to three
times propeller rate (for three blades), and the Magnetic
Pickup, pulsed by a single Interrupter, locks the oscil-
lator at one-per-revolution. When in Mode E, the Stro-
bex operates at its lower intensity.
2-8. Balance and Tracking Charts. The Balance Charts are
computers that are used to plot the measurement of the
vibration amplitude and clock angle and determine the
weights required to balance the rotor. Figure 2-6 illus-
trates a typical Balance Chart. Balance Charts consists of
the following.
a. A clock face (12 radial lines) representive clock angle.
b. A set of ten concentric circles, representing IPS,
drawn over the clock face, with zero at the center and 1.0
at the outside.
c. A graph over the clock face and IPS circles to indi-
cate amount, direction, and location of change required to
weight, sweep, pitch link, tab, etc., to-correct the problem.
The intersection of IPS circles and clock angle lines define
a point on the chart. From this point, lines to the axes of
a graph show the amount and location of weights (or main
rotor sweep) required to accomplish balance, or pitch link
change to accomplish track.
2-9. Reading the Charts. Reading the charts is about the
same, whatever the geometry of the rotor represented.