TM 55-4920-402-13&P
or the Strobex clock angle image. When properly tuned,
no phase shift will be seen; i.e. no clock angle change
will be seen when the VERIFY TUNE button is pushed
or released. Typical phase relationships for improperly
and properly tuned filters are shown in figure 2-5.
c. Further, there should be little or no change in IPS
whether the VERIFY TUNE button is pushed or released.
This should always be checked, but the actual tuning should
be accomplished by adjusting for no change in clock angle.
d. Because of the lower circuit time constants, the
VERIFY TUNE button must be pressed and released for
longer intervals when working at-low rotor RPM (4 or 5
seconds) for main rotors. Conversely, it may be worked
more rapidly when doing tail rotors.
Adjust RPM TUNE only while VERIFY
TUNE button is pushed. The brief tun-
ing instructions on the Balance Charts are
carefully worded. Follow them exactly
and you will find it an easy and effec-
tive process.
2-5. Use of the Balancer. The Phazor section of the Bal-
ancer is a phase meter with a display in the form of a ring
of 24 lights. It is used with the Balancer to read the loca-
tion of imbalance of main rotors. The ringof-lights indi-
cate clock angle which, along with the IPS meter reading,
determines the point to be plotted on the chart.
a. The Phazor section derives its inputs (Magnetic
Pickup pulse, and filtered Accelerometer signal), from the
Balancer. The user observes which of the 24 lamps is lit
and reads the hour or half-hour as from a clock face. This
indication is used when working main rotors, for estab-
lishing a clock angle on the Balance Chart. The IPS is
read from the Balancer meter.
b. The Strobex is used as the phase meter when mea-
suring clock angle of tail rotors.
When using the Strobex to determine the
clock angle of the tail rotor, the Phazor
lights are not used.
c. The only Phazor controls is a TEST pushbutton to
verify that it is receiving the correct Magnetic Pickup pul-
scs for phase reference, and a DOUBLE/SINGLE INTER-
RUPTER LOGIC switch to set the correct interrupter
d. The Phazor requires a one-per-revolution pulse from
the Magnetic Pickup on the fixed swashplate as a phase
reference to measure the clock angle of the Accelerometer
signal. However, most helicopters are fitted with one
Interrupter per blade so as to trigger the Strobex for track-
ing. This causes the Magnetic Pickup to deliver two pulses
per revolution which is not suitable for the Phazor. Since
there is only one Magnetic Pickup on the fixed swashplate,
both the tracking and balancing requirements must be met
by arranging the logic of the pulses. This is the reason for
fitting the rotating swashplate with one double and one
single interrupter.
e. Once-per-revolution, the Strobex sees triggering pul-
ses, one of which is double. Time constants in the Strobex
are such that it cannot see the difference between the
double and single pulses, so it flashes once per blade, and
the two Tip Targets are displayed at each of the two posi-
tions in azimuth around the rotor disc.
f. The Phazor, however, has logic that looks only at the
double pulse and ignores the single pulse. Thus, it thinks
it is receiving only the one-per-revolution reference signal
it requires. When the TEST button on the Phazor is
pushed, the Accelerometer input is disconnected and only
the Magnetic Pickup pulse train is admitted. The double
pulse causes the 12:00 oclock lamp to light, and the single
pulse will light the 6:00 oclock lamp. In summary, with
the TEST button pushed, the 12:00 oclock and 6:00
oclock lights will be seen.
g. The display described in paragraph f must appear in
the Phazor with the TEST button pushed, or the VIBREX
is not ready for use.
h. To realize the above logic, the INTERRUPTER
LOGIC switch must be in the DOUBLE position.
i. After application of the Magnetic Pickup pulses to
the Phazor, several seconds are required for the circuit to
stabilize. Failure to stabilize after 10 to 20 seconds could
be caused by improper gap between the Magnetic Pickup
and Interrupters.
j. When the TEST button is released, only one lamp
will be lit, and that one is in response to the Accelerometer
signal, so it may be anywhere on the clock.
2-6. Use of the Strobex. The Strobex has a trigger in the
pistol-grip handle for dc power switching, a five-position
function switch, and a ten-turn RPM dial to adjust the
flash rate. Figure 2-4 illustrates the relationship of the
Strobex to airframe mounted components. Observe steps
a through c when using the Strobex.
Focus on the flash focue tube in its
parabolic reflector is essential.
Therefore, periodically shine the light
on a wall 10 to 20 feet distant and
check for a bright spot 1 to 2 feet in
diameter. Refer to paragraph 3)10C for
focus adjustment.
a. Be sure the lamp is correctly focused.
b. Be sure to use clean reflective targets.
c. Be sure to look directly over top of lamp (the reflec-
ted light comes back to the light source).
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