TM 9-243
When it is not practical to use an ax or other
conventional cutting tool, a brush-cutting tool can be
used. Brush-cutting tools are used for cutting
underbrush, shrubs, tree branches, vines, and tall grass.
Two of the most common brush-cutting tools are the
brush hook and the machete. Brush-cutting tools are
available in various sizes and designs depending on the
nature of use.
The brush hook is a hook-shaped steel blade set onto a
heavy-duty metal or wooden handle. The inside edge of
the hooked blade is sharpened like the cutting edge of
an ax blade. The brush hook is used for cutting
underbrush, shrubs, or branches. Tool size and design
vary according to the task.
The machete normally in military use is an 18-inch
knife, widest and heaviest at the point of the blade. The
blade is attached to a handle shaped to fit the hand.
The handle is designed with a slight projection to
prevent the machete from slipping from the hand while
being used. The machete is used to cut tall grass,
vines, and small brush.
Always make sure no one is close enough to be
injured before swinging the tool.
Take care not to allow branches or brush in line
of swing to deflect the stroke and cause injury.
Do not use a dull or defective tool.
Store tools properly when not-in use.