TM 9-243
manufacturer's instructions which will usually provide all
the information necessary to assure even color and a
smooth spray, shake the can to mix the paint. The
majority of spray cans contain several steel balls that,
when agitated, mix the paint. A good indication of
complete mixing of tie paint is the sound of the steel
balls moving freely within the can. If the paint is not
completely mixed, the sound will be somewhat muffled.
When the paint is first removed from stock, continue to
agitate the ca for a few minutes after hearing the steel
balls to insure a complete mixture of the pigment.
Before spraying the desired surface, spray some paint
on a piece of paper or scrap materially can that has
been standing for a period of time may give an
intermittent spray for a short period of time before
operating smoothly. Hold the spray can as parallel to
the work as possible at a distance of approximately 12
inches. Move the spray across the area to be painted
triggering the spray as it approaches the near end of the
area to be painted and releasing the push-button as it
passes beyond the far edge of the work. With the
majority of paints it is best to apply two thin coats rather
then one heavy coat. However, wrinkle paints must be
applied in one coat. This coat must be heavy enough to
cover the area and still not sag or run.
If there is paint in the can but only gas is released when
the spray is triggered, It is possible that the can is being
held in such a position that the paint supply tube is
positioned incorrectly. To correct this, attempt to hold
the can in a more vertical position or if this is not
possible rotate the spray valve a slight amount. This will
rotate the supply tube into the paint.
When the job is complete, clean the spray nozzle before
returning the can to stock. This is accomplished by
inverting the can and depressing the push button until
only gas is emitted from the spray nozzle.
Often the area to be painted is adjacent to a component
or some surface that should not be painted. These
areas should be covered before painting A method of
controlling what is painted is to use a piece of cardboard
with a hole cut Hold the card a few inches from the
surface and spray through the hole in the card.
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