TM 9-4933-223-13&P
Conduit installation installed (task no.
Repair procedures for cable adapter
assembly--cable assembly.
Electrical installation removed (task no.
Reassembly, test, and installation
4 and 6).
procedures for cable adapter assembly.
Conduit installation removed (task no.
Removal and disassembly procedures for
cable adapter assembly.
Ventilation fan and mounting panel
Disassembly and reassembly procedures for
removed from shelter wall (task no 12).
shop set--electrical installation.
ECU removed from stowing frame assembly
Repair procedures for wire assembly.
(task no
13 and 14).
Disassembly and reassembly procedures for
Portable degreaser not in use with cover
wiring harness assembly (switchbox to
closed (task no
27 and 28).
distribution panel).
Repair procedures for shop set--elec-
General Safety Instructions
trical installation.
Repair procedures for 120/208V cable
assembly--electrical plug con-
nector (female).
Repair procedures for 120/208V cable
De-energize shop set by placing circuit breaker on power
assembly--electrical plug connector
distribution panel connected to power source in OFF position
and then disconnect 120/208V cable assembly from shelter.
Reassembly, test, and installation pro-
cedures for 120/208V cable assembly.
Removal and disassembly procedures for
120/208V cable assembly.
Dry cleaning solvent (SD) is flammable and should not be used
near an open flame or in a smoking area. Use only in well
Troubleshooting References
ventilated areas. This solvent evaporates quickly and has a
No electrical power at outlets.
drying effect on the skin. When used without gloves, it may
Lights fail to come on.
cause cracks in the skin and in some cases mild irritation or
Environmental control units or exhaust
fans do not operate correctly.
Equipment Conditions
Shop set must be de-energized (task no
2 and 3).
Injury to personnel may result if pressure is not relieved before
and 3).
beginning any maintenance on airhose.
120/208V cable assembly disconnected at
shelter (task no. 2).