TM 5-3610-256-14
a. Put on safety glasses.
DO NOT REVERSE the hoses leading from the pump to the ammonia
supply bottle. This will cause pumping liquid ammonia or absorber
into the system, resuIting in instant and total equipment contamina-
tion. Should this condition exist, it will be necessary to thoroughly
clean the pump, vacuum chamber developer tank, and tubing to render
the equipment operable.
The correct position of the tubes in the ammonia supply bottle
indicated below are not to be changed. Pushing the suction tube
down into the ammonia will cause liquid ammonia to be drawn
up into the developer tank. This will result in strong ammonia
vapors and possible machine damage.
b. Untape the tubing from the machine and place the two hoses with the attached stopper and cap
in the ammonia bottle. To avoid ammonia fumes, ensure that the ammonia cap is on straight and tight.
Before attaching the absorber supply, add water to the container
as indicated by the instructions on the box. Using your fingers, remove
the two perforated square tabs covering the absorber viewing ports.
c. Insert the single hose with the attached disperser into the absorber container.