Table 5-2. Troubleshooting
1 Pressure loss in system
1. Leaking flex hose on tube
1. Check all flex hoses and tubing
2. Loose connection
2. Check all connections for tightness
3. Valve leaking
3 Determine leaking valve and replace
4. Slightly open valve
4. Check charging valves
2. No output air or oxygen at
1. Valve closed
1. Determine if gas cylinder valve, cam-
yoke filing adaptor
lever valve, manifold shut-off valve,
servicing valve and charging valve
are open Check to see if regulator is
set properly
2. Empty gas cylinder
2. Check gas cylinder pressure gauge Fill
gas cylinder
3. Non-operative valve
3. Remove and replace valve
4. Remove and replace
3. Faulty Pressure Regulator
1. Will not hold psi setting
1. Remove and replace pressure
4. Faulty Pressure gauge
1. Low air oxygen pressure
1. Charge air or oxygen gas cylinders
2. Faulty gauge
2. Replace gauge
5. Faulty Gas Cylinder Valve
1. Failure of valve component
1. Remove and replace gas cylinder and
gas cylinder valve
6. Contaminated air or oxygen
1. Contaminated air or oxygen purifier
1 Remove and replace M-2 cartridge
(see Section IV)
2. Contaminated source breathable
2. Have source inspected for
contaminated cartridges and
air source or oxygen source
purification systems
3. Contaminated service unit system
3. Purge and reclean breathable air
systems (Type I) or Air/Oxygen
Systems (Type 11) as required
7. M116A1 Trailer problems
1. Corrective action shall be taken as per
TM 9-2330-202-14P
5-3/(5-4 Blank)