c.Allow engine to run without a load at amaximum speed of 1,400 rpm (1,400 r/min) forapproximately five minutes.d.Push ENGINE THROTTLE CONTROL (10)completely in.e.Place the MASTER SWITCH (9) 45° ccw tooff position.f.To drain the air from the air compressorunit, open the service hose bleed valve (13), mechanicalfilter drainvalve (14), and the dehydrator bleed valve (15). Whenall air pressure is relieved, observe pressure gauges andclose all valves.g.If attached, disconnect and stow servicehose. Drain condensate receiver (23, Figure 1-1).4-40.EMERGENCY STOPPING PROCEDURE. Incase of emergency that would require immediatestopping of the air compressor unit, place the MASTERSWITCH (9, Figure 4-2) to the off position.4-9/(4-10 Blank)
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