Inspection. Refer to paragraph 6-3.b for general
inspection instructions.
Inspect drive plates (50) for warpage,
broken or missing teeth.
Repair or Replacement. Refer to paragraph 6-
3.c for general repair or replacement instructions.
Replace damaged or defective driving
plate (50) segments.
Assembly. To assemble the clutch and clutch
housing group, proceed as follows: (1) Install release
springs (51) in hub (53). Place drive plates (50) in
position and install floating plate (49) on hub (53). Screw
the sliding sleeve (39) to hub (53). Remove wire pin
from locking pin (46).Insure locking pin (46) snaps into
Attach links (42), pins (41), and cotter pins
Install pin (38), links (37), washer weights
(36) and cotter pins (34).
Position clutch collar (33) on sleeve (39),
insert spacers (32) and attach using
screws (31) and nuts (30).
Do not over torque screw (25).
Position clutch assembly (28) on shaft and
insert key (27). Assemble clevis washer
(22) to engine drive shaft using lock
washer (26) and screw (25). Use Loc-Tite
No. 277 (red), torque screw (25) to 20 ft-
Carefully position clutch housing (15) over
clutch assembly (28), attach housing (15)
to engine block with lock washers (18) and
screws (17). Assemble nipple (11),
coupling (10), and fitting (9), screw fitting
(9) into clutch assembly (28).
Position yoke (14) in clutch housing; insert
shaft assembly (12) through bushing (16),
assemble yoke key (13) to shaft (12)
carefully insert shaft (12) into yoke (14).
Tighten cap screws on yoke (14) when
shaft with keys (13) is properly positioned
in yoke (14).
Assemble cover (6) to housing (15) using
lock washers (8) and screws (7).
Assemble nut (5) and rod yoke (4) to
clutch rod (1). Position rod yoke (4) over
shaft (12) and insert pin (3) and cotter pin
. Trap Group (See Figure 8-20). The following
paragraphs contain disassembly, cleaning, inspection,
repair or replacement, and assembly instructions for the
trap group.
Disassembly. Disassemble the trap group only
to the extent necessary to repair or replace a defective
part or parts.
Disconnect and remove second stage trap
tube assemblies (1, 3, and 4) and hose
assembly (2). Identify hose assembly for
reassembly reference.
Disconnect and remove first stage trap
hose assemblies (6, 7 and 8) and tube
assembly (9). Identify hose and tube
assembly for reassembly reference.
Disconnect and remove third stage trap
hose assemblies (5 and 10) and tube
assembly (11). Identify hose assembly for
reassembly reference.
Disconnect and remove receiver
accumulator hose assemblies (6, 12, and
13). Identify tube assembly for
reassembly reference.
Remove screws (14) and lock washers
(15) from trap assemblies (16, 17 and 18).
Remove traps from mounting bracket (23).
Remove screws (14) and lock washers
(15) from accumulator assembly (19).
Remove from mounting bracket (23).
Remove nuts (20), lock washers (21) and
screws (22) from mounting bracket (23),
and remove bracket.
Cleaning. Refer to paragraph 6-3.a for general
cleaning instructions.
Inspection. Refer to paragraph 6-3.b for general
inspection instructions.
mounting bracket for straightness.
Repair or Replacement. Refer to paragraph 6-
3.c figure general repair or replacement instructions.