101. Excessive Vibration of Equipment
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Possible remedy
hose mounting bolts
Check mountings for se-
Lack of lubrication
Lubricate equipment in
curity; tighten or replace
accordance with para-
bolts as necessary.
Equipment improperly
Improper use of
Reduce loads, readjust load
Check specific manuals
or reduce speed as neces-
for use of equipment.
Cause beyond repair scope
Cause beyond repair scope
of operator.
Notify supporting fieid
of operator.
Notify supporting field
maintenance unit.
braided bond straps and toothed washers, con-
fining electrical disturbances so they cannot
a. Radio interference suppression is the elim-
disturb receiving equipment,
ination or minimizing of the electrical disturb-
ances which interfere with radio reception or
disclose the location of the equipment to sensi-
tive electrical detectors. Therefore, it is very
The operator of the equipment is responsible
inportant that equipment with, as well as
equipment without radios be suppressed prop
sors and the correction or reporting of any dis-
crepancies discovered. It is the responsibility
tion of surrounding equipment, or disclosing
of the operator to familiarize himself with
those sections of technical manuals (app. I)
b. Suppression in the equipment is accom-
which contain instructions for radio interfer-
plished by the use of resistor suppressors and
ence suppression, and to perform the inspec-
capacitors. In addition, metal parts of the
tions listed therein.
equipment are formed into a shield by use of
b. Second Echelon Maintenance. Inspect and
replace, as necessary; wiring connectors, recep-
A detailed description of, the electrical sys-
tacles, and conduit in accordance with instruc-
Warning: Disconnect auxiliary power source
106. Electrical Wiring Installation
before servicing.
a. General. The electrical wiring installa-
107. Electrical Switches and
(1) Power cord for connecting auxiliary
Circuit Breakers
power source to the external power
a. General. Electrical switches and circuit
receptacle of the shop.
breakers are installed in the electrical system
(2) Conduit encased wires connecting the
(fig. 4) to
allow individual control of
external power receptacle with the
distribute current, and as safety devices.
safety disconnect switch and continu-
b. Second Echelon Maintenance. Inspect,
ing to the control panel.
and replace switches or circuit breakers as nec-
(3) Wiring from the control panel to the
essary in accordance with instructions con-
rent to the equipment to be operated.