TB 9-4910-745-30
retaining straps (7550588-5).
(8) Position one n-drawer stor-
(14) Hang five rubber hose assem-
side of truck in accordance with figure
2. Refer to figure 3 for mounting
bolt (MS35751-93) in accordance with
dimensions. Mark and drill two 0.37-
ing strap (7550588-3).
in. diameter holes through 11-drawer
storage cabinet base and floor of
(15) Stow pinch bar (5120-00-224-
Secure to truck floor with two
3/8- x 1-1/8-in. hex head capscrews
1372) and two crowbars (5120-00-224-
(MS90725-61 , two 3/8-in. flat washers
(MS35338-46), and two 3/8-in. hex nuts
(16) Secure dispensing pumps
to top slat, right rear of truck, using
(9) Position hand truck (3920-01-
two 24-in. retaining straps (7550588-5)
113-0117), including one acetylene
(17) Mark and drill four 0.25-in.
truck to truck rack (slats) with two
diameter holes in top of 18-drawer
24-in. retaining straps (7550588-5).
storage cabinet in accordance with
two strap loops (MS51939-3) to 18-
(10) Position blacksmith's anvil
(5120-00-180-2885) in accordance with
drawer storage cabinet top using four
#1O x 1-in. flat head wood screws
the hand truck with 60-in. retaining
strap (7550588-2).
(18) Position spark plug cleaner
(11) Position filler and bleeder
Secure spark plug cleaner to 18-drawer
storage cabinet with 92-in. retaining
strap (7550588-7).
components to truck wall with two 72-
in. retaining straps (7550588-1).
(19) Mark and drill four 0.25-in.
diameter holes in front of 18-drawer
(12) Mark and drill four 0.37-in.
storage cabinet in accordance with
diameter holes in truck slats in ac-
two strap loops (MS51939-3) to 18-
3/8- x 10-in. squareneck bolts (MS35751-
drawer storage cabinet using four 3/16-
93), eight 13/32-in. flat washers
x 13/32-in. blind rivets (MS20601-
(MS35338-46), and eight 3/8-in. hex
nuts (MS51967-8).
(20) Position tool box (5140-00-
(13) Hang two electrical power
secure tool box to 18-drawer storage
cabinet with 92-in. retaining strap
special purpose cable assembly (2920-
01-027-0125), and special purpose cable
bolts (MS35751-93) in accordance with