TB 9-4940-314-30
4. Installation
Be sure storage cabinet drawers adjacent to
hole locations are removed before drilling.
Hand blind riveter (5120-00- 679-6523) is used
(2) Position storage cabinet (7125-00-991-2857)
for in- stalling blind rivet nuts in the floor and
and 12-drawer filing cabinet (7110-00-999-1124) on left
walls of shelter. Install blind rivet nuts in
accordance with the technical manual supplied
and 8. Position fabricated left-hand bench support
with the hand blind riveter.
against the 12-drawer filing cabinet in accordance with
Position floor-, wall-, and bench top-mounted
accordance with figure 3. Using left-hand bench support
as a template, mark and drill two 0.34-in. diameter holes
Use the equipment mounting holes as template
in the side of 12-drawer filing cabinet (fig. 8). Secure
for location of blind rivet nuts and fasteners.
left-hand bench support to 12-drawer filing cabinet, using
Positions may be varied to drill into structural
two 5/16- x 7/8-in. pan head machine screws (MS35206-
members in floor.
5/16-in. hex nuts (MS51967-5).
a. Mark and drill six 0.25-in. diameter holes in the left
rear wall of 280 shelter in accordance with figure 7.
(3) Position 30-drawer storage cabinet (7125-00-
Install six #10 blind rivet nuts (MS27130-A21).
999-1121) on left side of 280 shelter in accordance with
figure 4. Position storage cabinet (7125-00-991-2857)
b. Mark and drill twenty-two 0.41- in. diameter holes in
on left side of 280 shelter and next to 30-drawer storage
floor and end walls (front and rear) of 280 shelter in
5/16 blind rivet nuts (MS27130-S45).
Be sure storage cabinet drawers adjacent to
c. Follow steps (1) thru (22) below for equipment
hole locations are removed before drilling.
installation in the 280 shelter, unit 1.
(4) Position fabricated right- hand bench support
(1) Fabricate one each of the following: right-side
front angle, left-side front angle, right-side rear angle,
and left-side rear angle in accordance with figure 9.
rivet nuts in accordance with figure 3. Using right-hand
Fabricate three right-hand bench supports and three left-
bench support as a template, mark and drill two 0.34-in.
diameter holes in the side of 30-drawer storage cabinet
Fabricate shelf and shelf support in accordance with
figure 10. Fabricate right-side bench top in