TB 9-4940-314-30
the mounting holes are positioned over installed blind
4. Installation--Continued
rivet nuts in accordance with figure 5. Secure right-side
rear support angle to wall-mounted 5/16 blind rivet nuts,
(17) Secure three previously installed cabinet-
using two 5/16- x 7/8-in. pan head machine screws
mounted bench sup- ports to floor-mounted 5/16 blind
(MS35206- 297) and two 5/16-in. lockwashers
rivet nuts, using six 5/16- x 1-in. hex head capscrews
(MS35338-45). Using the right-side rear support as a
template, mark and drill two 0.34-in. diameter holes
through the bench and cabinet tops. Secure right-side
(18) Position right-side bench top on storage
rear support angle to right-side bench top, using two
cabinets and bench support flanges in accordance with
5/16- x 1-1/2-in. hex head capscrews (MS90725- 38),
templates, mark and drill six 0.34-in. diameter holes
in. hex nuts (MS51967- 5).
through right-side bench top. Countersink holes in
accordance with figure 11. Secure right-side bench top to
(21) Position armature test set (6625-00-238-
bench supports, using six 5/16- x 1-1/2-in. countersunk
1459) on right-side bench top in accordance with figure
head machine screws (MS35190-308), six 5/16- in.
2. Mark and drill three 0.34-in. diameter holes through
armature test set base. Using armature test set base as
a template, mark and drill three 0.22-in. diameter pilot
holes through right-side bench top. Secure armature test
(19) Position right-side front support angle on
set to right-side bench top, using three 5/16- x 1-1/2-in.
right-side bench top and against the wall (fig. 6) so that
hex head lag bolts (MS16992- 522) and three 5/16-in.
the mounting holes are positioned over installed blind
lockwashers (MS35338-45).
rivet nuts in accordance with figure 5. Secure right-side
front support angle to wall-mounted 5/16 blind rivet nuts,
(22) Position machinist's vise (5120-00-293-
using two 5/16- x 7/8-in. pan head machine screws
1439) on right-side bench top in accordance with figure
(MS35206-297) and two 5/16-in. lock- washers
2. Using machinist's vise base as a template, mark and
(MS35338-45). Using the right- side front support angle
drill four 0.31-in. diameter pilot holes through right-side
as a template, mark and drill two 0.19-in. diameter pilot
bench top. Secure machinist's vise to right-side bench
holes through the right-side bench top. Secure right-side
top, using four 1/2- x 1-3/4-in. hex head lag bolts
front support angle to right-side bench top, using two
(MS16992- 580), four 1/2-in. flat washers (AN970- 8),
5/16- x 1-in. hex head lag bolts (MS16992-520) and two
and four 1/2-in. lockwashers (MS35338- 48).
5/16-in. lockwashers (MS35338-45).
(20) Position right-side rear support angle on
right-side bench top and against the wall (fig. 6) so that