TM 55-4920-213-15
pot maintenance personnel maintenance re-
sponsibilities consist of testing or replacing
switches and circuit breakers in accordance
158. Electrical Wiring Installation
Field and depot maintenance personnel are
155 for troubleshooting procedures.
responsible for performing tests and cor-
recting discrepancies in the electrical wiring
procedures. Detailed description of electrical
of lighting system. Field and depot mainte-
nance responsibilities consist of testing and/or
replacing defective components of the lighting
159. Electrical Switches and
Circuit Breakers
of circuit breakers and switches. Field and de-
testing in accordance with instructions in the
A description of the pneumatic system is
164. Lines and Hose
Field and depot maintenance of air lines
and hose consists of mounting, testing, repair,
Field and depot maintenance of the air com-
pressor consists of mounting in accordance
155, for troubleshooting procedures.
testing in accordance with the technical man-
165. Controls and
ual for the compressor (app. I).
Field and depot maintenance of controls
163. Air Supply Tank
and instruments consist of mounting in ac-
Field and depot maintenance of the air sup-
in accordance with the applicable technical
ply tank consists of mounting in accordance
Repair or replacement parts for the utility
Field and depot maintenance responsibili-
ties for the utility system are listed in para-
graphs 142-155.