TM 9-4940-421-14
(11) Remove two stop blocks from frame below
control panel.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(12) Using pry bar break assembly frame free and
(1) Clean cover with solvent and dry thoroughly
slide out compartment door five (app E) until assembly
reaches stop.
(2) Inspect cover for cracks, bends and dents.
Replace a defective cover.
b. Removal.
c. Installation. Install in reverse order of removal.
housing cover.
(2) Disconnect brush pigtail. Raise brush spring
and remove brush. Remove remaining brushes in a
a. General. Before removing the generator-welder
similar manner.
brushes the engine must be moved. Slide the engine out
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
compartment door five (app E) by using the following
(1) Remove dirt and dust from brushes and brush
holders with low pressure compressed air.
(1) Loosen nine bolts and remove guard from rear
(2) Inspect the brushes for breaks, nicks or
of control panel.
damage to the commutator wearing surfaces. Replace
(2) Disconnect and tag electrical leads.
worn or damaged brushes.
(3) Remove conduit brackets from control panel
d. Installation. Install in reverse order of removal.
(4) Remove acetylene tank and bracket.
(5) Remove eight bolts and eight nuts and remove
D o not use emery cloth for seating
false panel.
b r u s h e s . Emery particles will cause
(6) Remove three bolts and three nuts from lower
short circuits in commutator.
e. Seating Brushes. Seat brushes to contour of the
(7) Disconnect fuel line quick disconnect at fuel
commutator by placing a strip of no. 00 sandpaper be-
tween the brushes and commutator with grit side of
(8) Remove two bolts and two tapered washers
sandpaper against brushes, Draw sandpaper back and
from rail below control panel.
forth until brushes conform to contour of commutator.
(9) Remove two bolts and two tapered washers
Remove all loose carbon particles from the commutator
from rail below front of engine.
with clean, dry, compressed air.
(10) Remove safety block from rear rail below