TM 9-4940-421-14
(5) Inspect breaker points for roughness, burning
the distributor in reverse order of disassembly.
and pitting. Replace damaged points.
(6) Inspect the coil to distributor primary wire for
the distributor. Be sure to lubricate the cam and wick.
broken, bare, or frayed wire. Replace a damaged wire.
1. Distributor cap
2. Rotor
3. Dust cover
4, Condensor
5. Points Set
6. Base Assembly
Section III. E N G I N E D I S A S S E M B L Y
(1) Wash all parts in cleaning solvent and dry
thoroughly (app D). Use a wire brush to clean rust and
(1) Drive the crank pin out of the crankshaft.
scale from the flywheel. Be careful and not damage the
Remove the nut and lockwasher.
(2) Hit the end of the crankshaft with a soft ham-
(2) Inspect the flywheel for cracks or broken
mer to loosen the flywheel. If the flywheel is not
vanes. Inspect the flywheel ring gear for broken or
loosened after two or three blows, use a puller to
cracked teeth. Replace a damaged flywheel.
remove it.
c. Installation. Install flywheel in reverse order of
(3) Remove the key from the crankshaft.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.