(5) Position two tool boxes
( 5 1 4 0 - 0 0 - 3 1 5 - 2 7 5 8 ) , one on top of each
wheel well, in accordance with figures
3 5 , 37, and 38.
Secure to wall slat and
loops (MS51939-3) to slats using eight
floor using two 66-in. retaining straps
# 1 0 x 1-1/4-in. countersunk head machine
(7550588-9) .
screws (MS35190-276), eight 7/32-in.
f l a t washers (MS27183-42), , eight #10
l o c k w a s h e r s (MS35338-43), and eight #10-
The following installed
32UNF hex nuts (MS35650-302).
h o s e s are components of hose
Follow steps (1) thru (11) below
assembly outfit (4940-01-
The hose assem-
for equipment installation in unit 6.
bly outfit is installed and
stowed in unit 1.
(6) Position both 20 foot long
U s i n g the franc base of gas engine
g e n e r a t o r set as a template, mark and
drill four 0.44-in. diameter holes
against front wall in accordance with
through floor in accordance with figure
using two 24-in. retaining straps
floor using four 3/8- x 2-1/4-in. hex
h e a d capscrews (MS90725-67), eight 3/8-
(7) Position both 100 foot long
3/8-in. hex nuts (MS51967-8).
(2) Position tire spreader (4910-
against right side wall slats in
00-725-0326) in center of trailer in
Secure to slats using two 48-in.
Using tire spreader base as a template,
retaining straps (7550588-3).
mark and drill four 0.44-in. diameter
(8) Position 20 foot long, 1.75-
holes through floor in accordance with
Secure tire spreader to
foot long, 1.56-in. od hose (4720-00-
floor using four 3/8- x 1-3/8-in. hex
h e a d capscrews (MS90725-63), four 3/8-
289-2618) against front left wall slats
3/8-in. hex nuts (MS51967-8).
Secure to slats using 48-in. retaining
strap (7550588-3).
(3) Position three mechanic's
(9) Position 100 foot long,
and 37.
Secure mechanic's creepers to
against the center left wall slats in
wall using two 92-in. retaining straps
(7550588-7) .
Secure to slats using 48-in. retaining
strap (7550588-3).
(4) Position welding rod rack
( 3 4 3 9 - 0 0 - 5 6 4 - 5 7 9 3 ) and tool box (5140-
(10) Position 60 foot long, 0.66-
00-315-2758) in rear left corner in
left rear wall slats in accordance with
Secure welding rod rack using 66-in.
using 30-in. retaining strap (7550588-
retaining strap (7550588-9), and tool
box using 110-in. retaining strap
(7550588-10), to left side wall.