Place clean oil on stud (6) threads and bottom of nuts
and washers, torque to valve noted.
(30) Figure 8-30, Sheet 4 of 10. Install washers
(3) and cylinder head nuts (1 and 2) on
studs (6). Torque nuts to 36 Ib-ft (50 Nm).
Release tension on studs (6) by turning
back slightly on nuts (1. 2). Insert push
rods (26, Figure 8-30, Sheet 7 of 10)
through cylinder heads (50) into push rod
tubes (31 ).
(31) Press rocker arm bushings (20) into rocker
arms (23, 17). Install adjusting screw (14)
and nut (18) in rocker arms (17, 23). Place
rocker arms (17, 23) onto rocker arm
brackets (24). Install shims (16) as
required to center rocker arms (23, 17) over
valve stems; install retainer clips (IS).
Adjust tappet clearance cold. Rotate
engine until resistance to compression is
noted, loosen nut (18), check clearance
0.004 inches (0.1 1ami) with feeler gauge.
A slight resistance should be felt when
feeler gauge is pulled through between the
rocker arm and valve stein. Adjust by
turning screw (14). To tighten, screw nut
Care should be taken not to damage o-rings (8) when
installing shaft (6) into head cover (4).
Figure 6-11. Compression Adjustment
(32) Install o-rings (8) on shaft (6), install shaft
(6) into valve cover (4). Install one retainer
clip (19) at base of shaft (6), and the other
at the end of the shaft. Place ball (10) and
spring in cover.(4) and install threaded plug
(33) Rotate
resistance is noted. Using tool No. 38,
adjusting gauge, (Figure 2-1), determine if
the top of pin "a" on rocker arm (23) falls
between the minimum of maximum
allowable values. (See Figure 6-11
and 6-12).
When pressure pin (22) is crimped in place the height
will decrease approximately .004 inches (0.10 mm).
(34) If a new pressure pin (22) and spacer (21)
are required, place new pressure pin in
rocker arm, using spacers (21) to adjust for
proper height requirements for distance "B"
(min. 34.8 mm max. 35.3 mm). Using tool
No. 39, riveting tool, attach new pressure
pin (22) and spacer (21) to rocker arm (23).
(See Figure 6-11.) Proper tool set up and
adjustment will help make a tight pressure
pin seal to the rocker arm.
(35) Place gaskets (29) over studs (30), install
exhaust muffler (28) over studs (30) and
secure with nuts (27). Install cover gaskets
(13), valve covers (4) and secure covers to
cylinder head using screws (3). Attach
lifting straps (2) to cylinder heads using
screws (1).
Figure 6-12. Compression Adjustment Check