5-10. Mechanical Filter (Figure 5-6). To change themechanical filter’s head and element proceed as follows:Make certain that all air pressure hasbeen relieved from the compressor airsupply system by opening themechanical filter drain valve, dehydratorbleed valve and service hose bleedvalve.a.Disconnect mechanical filter-to-dehydratornumber one tube assembly at tee on mechanicalfilter.b.Unscrew nipple from mechanical filter. Removenipple, check valve, and elbow, as an assemblyfrom mechanical filter.c.Place a short bar or similar tool between thehead studs for leverage and unscrew the headand element from cylinder.d.Thoroughly clean the inside of the cylinder, usinga lint free cloth and a hot water and detergentsolution per Federal Specification P-D-220.Allow cylinder to air dry.Figure 5-7. Ten Micron Air FilterWhen installing new element, makecertain that the head is started intocylinder squarely so that o-ring, suppliedwith the new element, is not damaged.e. Discard head and element and install a new headand element.Screw the element into cylinder for afirm fit only. Sealing is accomplished bythe o-ring seal, not by tightening. Theleverage bar is used only as a wrench.f. Screw the element and head firmly into cylinder.When installing pipe fittings in high pressure points in thesystem, use antiseize tape, MIL-T-27730, or equivalenton threads. Use only one wrap of the tape and do notoverlap ends. Wrap back from fitting end approximatelytwo threads to prevent cut bits of tape from entering theair system which will plug filters or small orifice holeswithin the system.g. Remove old antiseize tape from elbow and nipple.Wrap elbow and nipple with antiseize tape, per Militaryspecification MIL-T-27730.h. Screw nipple, check valve, and elbow, as anassembly, into filter head.i. Reconnect mechanical filter-to-dehydrator number onetube assembly to elbow.5-11. Ten-Micron Filter (Figure 5-7). To change the tenmicron filter’s element, proceed as follows:Make certain that all air pressure has been relieved fromthe compressor air supply system by opening themechanical filter main valve, dehydrator bleed valve andservice hose bleed valve.5-8
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