(21) Remove screws (26, 42 and 61, Figure 8-
30, Sheet 9 of 10), lockwashers (27, 44, 62)
and nuts (43). Loosen screws (31) and
nuts (33) and remove blower duct (28).
Remove screws (40, 45), washers (41, 46);
Figure 8-30, Sheet 6 of 10. Remove
screws (33) and nuts (34). Re-move rear
duct section. Remove screws (35, 38) and
nut (36). Remove cooling ducts (37, 39
and 40).
(22) Remove screws (24, Figure 8-30, Sheet 8
of 10), nuts (20), washers (21, 22) and
plate (25). Remove blower duct from
(23) Remove screws (2), lockwasher (3), outer
ring (4), screen (5), and inner ring (6).
Unscrew and remove nut (7), washer (8),
bolt (9), sheave (10), fan (11), washer (12)
and spacer (13). Drive out shaft (16),
remove ball bearing (15) and spacer shaft
(14). Remove inner retaining ring (17), ball
bearing (18) and retaining ring (19).
(24) Figure 8-30, Sheet 4 of 10. Unscrew and
re-move nuts (1 and 2), and washer (3)
attaching cylinder heads (50, Figure 8-30,
Sheet 7 of 10) to engine. Remove push
rods (26). Remove cylinder head (50) and
compressor (Table 2-1), compress each
valve spring (42) and remove two lock
cones (40) from each valve (47 and 48).
Remove spring cup (41), external valve
spring (42), internal valve spring (43),
spring seat (44), and spring cap (45) from
valves (47 and 48). Re-move valves (47
and 48) from cylinder head subassembly
(50). Remove two valve guides (49) from
cylinder head (50). Repeat steps above for
other cylinder head group. Remove one
gasket (51) from each cylinder (50).
(25) Remove push rods (26) and push rod tubes
(31) from crankcase. Remove o-ring (34),
ring (35) pressure spring (32), pressure ring
(33) and origin (34) from each push rod
tube. Unscrew nuts (36), remove tube
guide plate (37) and gasket (38). Studs
replacement is required.
(26) Rotate engine work stand so that engine
fly-wheel is pointing down.
(27) Figure 8-30, Sheet 6 of 10. Unscrew and
re-move sieve (63), o-ring (64), and washer
(65). Unscrew and remove cap (57), spring
(59), disc (60), ball (62) and o-ring (61).
(28) Pull cylinder (4, Figure 8-30, Sheet 4 of 10)
from crankcase. If necessary, remove
studs (6). Using retaining ring pliers (Table
2-1), remove two retaining rings (7) from
piston (9). Push piston pin (8) from piston
(9). Remove piston (9) from connecting rod
(17). Remove the ridge type ring (10),
compression ring (11), stepped scrapper
ring (12), and oil control ring (13) from
piston (9). Unscrew and remove two
socket head screws (14) from connecting
rod (17). Remove rod end cap and
connecting rod from crankcase. It is not
necessary to remove bearings (14 and 16)
unless damaged. Repeat procedure for the
cylinder and piston group.
(29) Position engine in the horizontal plane, (see
Figure 8-30, Sheet 6 of 10). Remove
screws (16), lock washers (69), large side
cover (70) and gasket (71). Unscrew and
remove screws (72), lock washers (73), fuel
feed pump cover (74), and cover gasket
(30) Figure 8-30, Sheet 2 of 10. Remove screw
(37) and crank handle support (38) from
governor housing (9, Figure 8-30, Sheet 5
of 10).
(31) Figure 8-30, Sheet 4 of 10. Unscrew and
re-move screw (18) and lock washer (19)
from sheave (20). Pull sheave off over pins
Alternate tightening of screw on extractor tool and
rapping of various points on the governor housing (9) will
facilitate removal of the governor housing (9).
(32) Remove screws (3 and 4, Figure 8-30,
Sheet 5 of 10) from governor housing (9).
Prior to re-moval of the governor housing
attach special extractor tool No. 26, Figure
2-1 and remove governor housing (9).
Remove oil seals ( l a, 1 lb). If ball bearing
(11) is to be removed, heat the governor
housing (9) to 800C (I 75°F) and press ball
bearing from the housing.
(33) Figure 8-30, Sheet 4 of 10. Unscrew and
re-move nut (51), gear wheel (52) from oil
pump (53). Remove screws (48 and 50),
lock washers (47 and 49). Remove oil
pump (53) from crankcase. Using gear
wheel puller (Figure 2-1, tool No. 27)