Figure 73. Gage compartment door,
door stop bracket, and fitting drawer
lockbar, Model SECM,
removal and installation.
106. Gage Compartment Door
parts, if necessary.
c. Installation.
a. Removal.
compartment door to the Model SECM
partment door from Model SECM
shop set body.
set body.
compartment to the Model CMU-5 shop
compartment t from Model CMU-5
set body in a similar manner.
set body in a similar manner.
107. Fitting Drawer Lockbar and Door Stop
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved cleaning
solvent and dry thoroughly.
a. Removal.
(2) Inspect the door, hinges and moulding for
(1) Refer to figure 73 and remove the fitting
cracks, or breaks, Inspect the door latch
drawer lockbar and door stop bracket from
for wear or damage. Repair or replace the
the Model SECM shop set body,
TAGO 5723-A