TB 9-4910-744-30
nuts using fourteen #10-32UNF x 1-in.
counter head machine screws (MS35191-276).
t o n hand hydraulic jack (5120-00-188-
(2) Mark and dril 1 twenty-six
0.22-in. diameter holes through floor
8-qt liquid measures (7240-00-255-
5996), industrial faceshield (4240-00-
thirteen strap loops (MS51939-3) in
202-9473), two 1-liter liquid measures
t w e n t y - s i x #10-32UNF x 1-in. counter
head machine screws (MS35191-276),
of 60-in. table in accordance with
a n d twenty-six #10-32UNF hex nuts
(12) Stow six 24-ft extension
(3) Mark and drill four 0.22-in.
of 72-in. table w/drawers in accordance
dianeter holes in front vail wood slat
t w o strap loops (MS51939-3) in accord-
(13) Stow hose assembly outfit
# 1 0 x 1-1/4-in. countersunk head
valve seat grinding kit (4910-00-060-
m a c h i n e screws (MS35190-276), four
9 9 8 3 ) , one 7-ft cable assembly (4910-
7/32-in. flat washers (MS27183-42),
00-800-1405), three 50-ft cable assem-
f o u r #10-32UNF hex nuts (MS35650-302).
Follow steps (1) thru (15) below
for equipment installation in unit 2.
(4910-00-725-9558), and cable kit
(1) Position four mechanic's
against the front wall in accordance
Follow steps (1) thru
(3) below for blind rivet nut and strap
wall using two 66-in. retaining straps
loop installation.
(7550588-9) .
(2) Position arbor press (3444-
Position floor-mounted
00-449-7295) in front end of truck in
s t o r a g e cabinets and equip-
a r b o r press base as template, mark and
Use equipment
8, and 9.
drill four 0.50-in. diameter holes
m o u n t i n g holes as templates
through truck floor in accordance with
for location of drilled
Secure arbor press to floor
mounting holes.
using four 7/16- x 1-3/8-in. hex head
may be varied to drill into
capscrews (MS90725-88), four 7/16-in.
structural members in floor.
f l a t washers (MS27183-15), four 7/16-
i n . lockwashers (MS35338-47), and four
(1) Mark and drill fourteen 0.25-
7/16-in. hex plain nuts (MS51967-11).
in. diameter holes in front and left
side walls in accordance with figures
(3) Position dolly-type jack
11 and 12. Install fourteen #10-32UNF
blind rivet nuts (A10-180). Secure seven
P o s i t i o n three ground rods (5975-
strap loops (MS51939-3) in accordance
00-777-6781) between right side wall